Health and Wellness Lectures

Health and Wellness Lectures

Lectures available in either one hour or half hour increments.

Lecture Topics

Am I at Risk? - Risk Factor Awareness, Talking to Your Doctor About Bone Density Testing

The Good (HDL), The Bad (LDL), and the Ugly (Fats) - Learn about cholesterol and how you can control your risk of coronary artery disease (cholesterol screenings available).

Healthy Heart and Lungs - (Numerous lectures)

Loving Your Heart - Learn the risk factors and identify those you can change.

Fighting Heart Disease – Treatments for Triumph

Back At Work – Fit For Work, learn the importance of abdominal strength, hamstring flexibility, good posture, and proper lifting techniques while caring for your back.

Back Safety and Body Preparedness - Following the OSHA guidelines, Working Well can assess ergonomics at the workplace including workstation set-up and proper lifting techniques to name a few. Learn the importance of having your workstation “work” for you, not you for your workstation.

The Sun, UV Rays and You – The sun’s damaging UV Rays can affect us year-round. The Working Well Staff in conjunction with the American Cancer Society can provide your workplace with this powerful lecture and a skin cancer awareness screening. This program is ideal for “outdoor-industrial athletes.”

What About Me? - Learn the cancer risk factors and how you can modify your risk.

Cancer theory(ies) – What we know, what you can do about it.

National Safety Council Bloodborne Pathogens Program is consistent with current OSHA recommendations. (Not available in half-hour session).

It Could Happen To You - Learn to improve your diabetes I.Q., minimizing your risk, managing your disease (Paired well with glucose screenings).

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type (F.I.T.T- ing in Exercise) - Fitting Fitness Into Your Life - Learn the short- and long-term benefits of being fit and ways to incorporate fitness into your already busy lifestyle, hourly sessions only.

Anatomy of a Workout – Getting Started, Staying Motivated - Let’s face it, starting an exercise routine has more to do with a lack of motivation then a lack of information. This fun and interactive lecture is geared toward helping individuals getting started and staying motivated toward exercise.

Functional Fitness - Learn how to train the body for real-life activities and positions.

You Are What You Eat - Learn healthy eating habits, the right foods for you, how to shop at the market, and how to read food labels.

High Protein Diets – Controversy, Facts and Fiction

“Bone” Appetite – Learn the connection between healthy eating, exercise and healthy bones (bone mineral density testing is available).

You Are What You Drink – This program is designed to teach the importance of proper hydration for the industrial athlete.

Taking Care of You - Breast cancer, heart disease, menopause and prostate health.

Take Care of Your Health Like You Take Care of Your Car – Specific to men’s health

Hand Washing Screening and Lecture with Glow Germ© - This interactive session gives a visual demonstration to show when improper cleaning or hand washing has taken place. It is also used to demonstrate contamination and transmission of germs.

When You Can’t Light Up - Techniques to help smokers cope in a smoking restricted environment.

Freedom from Smoking Program – American Lung Association’s 7 Session Quit Smoking Program.

Lightening Your Load - Learn tips on coping with stress, what to do when stressed and practice relaxation techniques.

Simplify Your Life – Time is of the essence, learn how to manage it.

Sandwich Generation - Designed to help participants caught between work, while raising a family and taking care of aging parents, AND regaining balance in his/her life.

Contact Us

For more information regarding lectures offered by Fitness Services at The Elliot, please call 603-663-4200 or email and a member of our team will get back to you.