For the Media

For the Media

Our SolutionHealth public relations team works with the media to provide information, access to experts for a variety of health care topics, and video and still imagery. We are committed to protecting patient privacy while partnering as efficiently as possible with members of the press.

Senior Leadership

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Dr. Greg Baxter

President and CEO

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Tate Curti

Chief Operating Officer

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Dr. Kevin Desrosiers

Chief Medical Officer, Elliot Acute Care Services and VP, Medical Affairs

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Dr. Holly Mintz

Chief Medical Officer, Elliot Ambulatory Care Services

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Dr. Carl Fier

President of Elliot Medical Staff

Elliot Health System Locations

A snapshot of care provided by Elliot Health System

Media Contact

Our staff is ready to serve journalists in developing and reporting on healthcare stories. Journalists must contact the Office of Strategic Communications for commentary from Elliot Health System providers, staff, or patients.

In order to protect patient confidentiality within federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines, all members of the news media must and will be escorted by a member of the Office of Strategic Communications staff while visiting Elliot Health System facilities.


Kelly Scargill

Interim Executive Director of Public Relations and Communications

603-281-9860 (office)
603-801-5863 (cell)

For general inquiries, please email