Instructions for the Collection of Specimens for Semen Analysis
In order to perform an accurate test, it is important that you follow these instructions carefully.
Testing Availability
- Please call 603-663-3555 to schedule an appointment for fertility testing.
- Post-vasectomy specimens will be accepted during the day and times below with no appointment needed.
- All samples must be brought to The Elliot Hospital Laboratory at 1 Elliot Way, Manchester, NH on the ground level of the hospital.
- The laboratory accepts all semen specimens Monday through Friday from 6:30am-11:30am.
- This testing is not done on weekends, holidays, or hours other than those specified.
Specimen Collection
- The specimen should be obtained by masturbating directly into a sterile, hard plastic or glass container.
- Do not ejaculate into a condom, engage in sexual intercourse, or use soap or lubricant to provide the semen specimen.
- The entire ejaculate must be collected.
Period of Abstinence
- You should abstain from any sexual activity for 2 days prior to the test, but no longer than 5 days prior to the test.
- You should avoid hot tubs, saunas, and whirlpools for 2 weeks prior to the test.
- Ideally, you should not be on any medications for 1 week prior to the test. If you are on any medication, you should discuss this with your provider.
Specimen Transport
- The specimen should be maintained at or near body temperature by keeping the specimen close to your body.
- Deliver to the laboratory within 1 hour after collection.
- Please label the container with your name, date of birth, and date and time of collection. Note: Unlabeled specimens will be rejected.
Contact Us
For questions about semen analysis services, please contact Elliot Laboratory Services.