Marialaina Abbene Tomolonis, PA-C

Primary phone: 603-627-1102


General Surgery


  • Elliot General Surgical Specialists
    185 Queen City Ave., Manchester, NH
  • Dartmouth Hitchcock Manchester
    100 Hitchcock Way - General Surgery, Manchester, NH


  • Professional Education: Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences - Manchester
  • Undergraduate: Hesser College
  • Undergraduate: Manchester Community College
  • Undergraduate: University of New Hampshire - Manchester

Boards & Certifications

  • Physician Assistant: National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants

About Marialaina Abbene Tomolonis, PA-C

Marialaina Abbene Tomolonis, an NCCPA board-certified physician assistant, has joined the staff at Elliot General Surgery and is seeing new patients. 

She earned an M.S. in Physician Assistant Studies at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and a B.A. in biology at the University of New Hampshire in Manchester. 

Tomolonis has experience in multi-surgical practice including general, vascular and thoracic surgery, as well as trauma surgery at a Level II trauma center. She has worked as a P.A. in the general surgical field, emergency medicine, trauma and acute care. Tomolonis has additional certification in Advanced Trauma Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support. She is a member of the New Hampshire Society of Physician Assistants. 

“I decided to become a P.A. specializing in the surgical field primarily because I love patient care and problem-solving,” she says. “The technical skills required to work in general surgery are obviously very important, but patient relationships and developing a rapport and trust with patients are just as vital.” 

Tomolonis says another reason she was drawn to surgery is because she often is able to “see a patient through their entire surgical course.” 

“Surgery is a specialty that requires being able to zoom out to appreciate the whole picture, so to speak,” she says. “In order to put the whole puzzle of a patient together, communication with the patient and their other providers is vital and can make all the difference.” 

Tomolinis is a native of New Hampshire. She enjoys spending time with her large family and usually can be found on the sidelines of any sporting event her kids are participating in at the moment. Outside of family life, she is an amateur woodworker and is fluent in classic movies and sketch comedy.